God is passionately pursuing you! How does hearing this make you feel? Have you felt yourself trying to run away from this pursuit? Or have you been attempting to respond to this pursuit? I challenge all of us to stop running from God's pursuit and begin our attempts to respond.
This in-depth Bible study will challenge us to dig into God's Word to begin to understand 'Who is this God that is pursuing us?' and to find out 'What does the bible say about His Son Jesus Christ?'. When we begin to grasp the greatness of God and then His great love for us through Jesus Christ, it is then and only then, we will WANT to respond! We will continue this journey of discovery by reading about how people in God's Word responded to being pursued. Then I pray we will discover together how to respond to God's unfailing love for us through our own pursuit of godliness, holiness, obedience, perseverance, and loving those God has surrounded us with well.
This will be a great journey for all of us and I know you won't regret it! Join me in continuing to learn how to stop running and instead respond to the unfailing love of our great God and Savior.